Reflecting on 2021

Like so many others, I was challenged in ways I wasn’t expecting in 2021. My life was turned on it’s head early in the year and I spent the remaining months doing a lot of reflecting, self improvement, inner work, outer work, reconnecting with friends and figuring out who I am as a person.

These past 12 months have taught me so much about who I am and what I am capable of. My divorce tested me in ways I wasn’t expecting and forced me to take a look at myself and my life and decide what I want for my future.

I reference that day as “the day my life fell apart” but that no longer feels accurate. As I reflect back, it feels more accurate to think of that day as “the day my life started” or “the day I was given a fresh start”. I had been stuck for so long in a loveless marriage with a man that had no ambition or drive. His influence along with feeling like I wasn’t good enough kept me in a hole. Now that I am free I realize all of the potential I have in life. I am looking to improve my carrier options along with taking on more challenging roles at work. I am pouring effort into my house to make it the home I’ve always wanted. I am forming meaningful and lasting connections with people and finally traveling for fun.

This self work has made a huge impact on my life and mental health even in the short 6 months since “d day”. As I move into this new year, rather than making resolutions, I prefer to set intentions. And my intentions for 2022 are clear:

  1. To continue on this path of self work and self awareness.
  2. To travel to one new place for fun not work.
  3. To acknowledge my value in the workplace and work towards what I am capable of.

Last year was a wild ride but I truly cannot wait to see what 2022 has in store.

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