The Blog

Let’s Talk About Trust

Like most adults, I am damaged. That sounds dramatic but let me explain. My experiences have shaped the person I am today and the way I see the world around me. Once a shiny, pristine human I am now covered in scars.

Reflecting on 2021

Like so many others, I was challenged in ways I wasn’t expecting in 2021. My life was turned on it’s head early in the year and I spent the remaining months doing a lot of reflecting, self improvement, inner work, outer work, reconnecting with friends and figuring out who I am as a person. These…

Healing From A Toxic Relationship

After coming to terms with the reality of my marriage, I am working on reflection and self healing. I am searching for others who have experienced something similar and learning how to move forward. There are a lot of resources out there and tips for healing. One of the hardest things I have tried to…

Dating after divorce/Alone

Dating is new, sometimes scary and can leave me feeling more alone than I have before. It almost feels like a “look at me now” moment to be able to say I’m dating again. I’ve started using some dating apps and connecting with people outside of my circle of friends. Parts of this experience have…

The First Anniversary

The first major milestone arrived. This is a day that would have been my 13 year wedding anniversary but will now pass without fanfare. Leading up to this day I tried to keep myself and my mind busy. I spent time with friends and family, went out to dinner, had late-night drinks, and tried to…

How do you cut ties?

My ex moved out very quickly after the divorce was finalized. He and his girlfriend found a place to live and a week later he was gone. I don’t want to but I feel bitter about this. I don’t want him back but why should he get to move out and move on so quickly?…


Tonight I feel lonely. I’ve tried shopping, alcohol and food to fill the void and nothing has worked. It is now 8pm and all I want to do is crawl into bed and shut out the world. But without the distractions of tv and mindlessly scrolling my phone, I will overthink and spiral further. These…

It’s Final

The final paperwork has been approved and a judge has signed off. This means that the divorce is final. How do I feel?

What I Wish People Knew

There are so many things that I wish people knew. From communication, to time, to acknowledgment. It all adds up but here are some of the basics. It’s ok to talk to me about it. This is a huge milestone in my life and is consuming all of my days. Not only do I have…

Coming To Terms With The Reality Of My Relationship

I am starting to realize just how unhealthy my marriage was. I am not a therapist and have not seen one for these specific feelings so none of this is coming from a professional place but rather a place of internalizing these emotions for so long. I am realizing how manipulative he was. How emotionally…

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